Pharmacometric modelling for individualisation of anticancer drug therapy

Within this research area, we aim to develop and apply pharmacometric models to improve the safety and efficacy of antitcancer drug therapy. The models integrate pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and clinical parameters to simulate unknown situations (e.g. new dosing regimens). This approach has recently been extended to include patient-reported outcomes (PROs) by using Markov models.

Individualised dosing and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) are based on pharmacometric models. Within the national collaborative project ON-TARGET, such models are applied to define targets for TDM of oral anticancer drugs and to quantify relationships between drug exposure and treatment response/toxicity.


Pharmacometric modelling approaches to predict the patient-reported symptom burden during anticancer drug therapy

Therapeutic drug monitoring of oral anticancer drugs using population pharmacokinetic approaches and machine learning

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