Regional drug information centre (RegioInform)
The Regional Drug Information Centre (RegioInform) is a free service offered by the chamber of pharmacists Nordrhein (Apothekerkamer Nordrhein) to support the counselling of patients and physicians.
The Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Bonn answers medical/pharmacological questions using various drug databases.
Our service aims at resolving complex questions with our supplementary information sources. It does not replace own literature searches commonly conducted in community pharmacies. Therefore, questions that can be answered with the specialist literature and databases commonly used in pharmacies should be avoided.
Please note that questions can only be asked and answered in German.
What questions can I ask?
We are happy to answer questions about:
- Adverse drug reactions and contraindications
- Drug-drug or drug-food interactions
- Dosage issues
- Relationships between medicines and laboratory test results
- Therapeutic alternatives to medicines
- New drugs and medicines
- New and unusual uses of medicines
- Clinical experience with the use of medicines
- Pharmacokinetic issues
Legal information, fundamental problems or questions on the preparation of formulations are not within our expertise.

How do I send a request?
Requests must be sent by fax (0800 - 4343222) using a special form. Your question will be automatically forwarded to the RegioInform office in charge. A written request using the form is necessary for a precise formulation of the question, a rapid response and accurate documentation.
A note on liability when using RegioInform: The responsibility for the use of the information or its dissemination lies solely with the enquirer. A reference to this disclaimer is also included in the request form.